About Us

We leads your business right way


HITEC CORP. is a leading sales marketing company in various business division since year 2009 establishment.

We are dedicated to serve our best solutions to worldwide partners who wants to market best quality product and to get perfect project success.

Our final aim is world best quality, affordable price offering, quick delivery and strong after service policy as well as contiuous business innovation.

Who Are We

Professional supplier in various business divisions.

Our Mission

Our final aims is Customer Satisfaction.

What We Do

Supporter for your business and project success

Our Duty and Effort


World Best Quality

World Best Quality product providing is our duty and responsible.


Reasonable Price

We always offer reasonable price for the client’s project success.


Quick Delivery

We arrange more quick production and delivery in our client’s position.


Help & Support

More fast reaction against client’s troubleshooting request is eccential for future business.


Development & Marketing

We develop new business line for vendors and client’s business and marketing success.


Social Responsibility

We strive to fulfill our social responsibilities through better service development to contribute to the happy life of mankind.

Why choose us?

Our all staffs is expert who have professional knowledge for each business section for long time. This reason is why you could get more reliable and fantastic business result.

We are trying business innovation to help our business partners for Win-Win.

We are provide reasonable product and price after cross checking about detailed specifications, quality, price and service policy among qualified maker’s product for your project success.

We strive to develope for the best quality product based on client’s needs and make worldwide sales marketing to help our vendors could get success in business.

We consider all business situation among the vendors and clients for the best business matching. Win-Win policy is our final mission.

We strive to fulfill our social responsibilities through better service development to contribute to the happy life of mankind.

What we satisfy

Projects Completed
Happy Agent
Clients Satisfaction

Who we've worked with

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