table top steam sterilizer
Steam Sterilizer
Steam Sterilizer
Table Top, B Class
Floor Stand Steam Sterilizer
Steam Sterilizer
Steam Sterilizer
Floor Stand Type Sterilizer
Plasma Sterilizer
Plasma Sterilizer
Low Temperature Plasma Sterlizer
Suction Machine
Suction Machine
Mobile Suction Machine
EO Gas Sterilizer
E.O Gas Sterilizer
Ethylene Oxide Sterilizer
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Medical Product


B Class, Steam Sterilizer (Table Top Type)


Steam Sterilizer (Floor Stand Type)

E.O.Gas Sterilizer

Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilizer

Plasma Sterilizer

Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizer

Suction Machine

Surgical Suction Machine

Operating Light

LED Operating Light

Operating Table

Universal Operating Table

Endoscope Washer

Endoscope Washer & Disinfector


Ventilator System

Patient Monitor

Patient Monitor System

E.N.T Unit

E.N.T Unit System



Vision System

Various Vision System

Dental Unit

Dental Unit System

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